
Showing posts from January, 2018

What is the purpose?

This blog is meant to be fun, light hearted, and educational about motherhood/parenthood. You may ask, "Why are you blogging about motherhood/parenthood if you yourself are not a mother/parent"? Well, I am in NO WAY telling you how to raise a child. I want to bring a different perspective on what I see and learn from my sister. I am in NO WAY an expert at children either. It is tough being a parent these days, but I want this blog to be fun and educational as well. I may get criticized by certain topics when it comes to parenting, but on the bright side what may work for my sister may not work for you. It does not hurt to try different ways to see what fits for your child. Parenthood is very difficult, and sometimes goes unnoticed. I am 23 years old and have just now starting to realize how much I really appreciate my mother. During the time of being a rambunctious little girl to a smart mouthing teenager, I never understood why my mother and father set rules. I alway

Hello, Beautiful!

Let's get started! My name is Brooke Segler and I am a Senior at Troy University. I love to eat, cook, be outdoors, hang out with friends, and spend time with family. I am starting this blog for one of my classes, but I am also terrible about updating about the beautiful mess I call life. I currently live with my sister and her daughter. My sister and I had our ten year plans change DRASTICALLY! I have learned to lean on her in more ways than ever! Since I am a Senior in college my rooming situation is VERY different than the average college student. I am writing this blog to give a bit of an insight on my life living with a two year old. I want to help educate others on parenthood. I also want this blog to be fun and light hearted. I am in no way trying to tell you how to raise your child! I am just simply giving some advice just in case you might be in the situation that I am currently in! I hope you enjoy! -Brooke