
Showing posts from April, 2018


This weekend was extra special because it was Easter weekend. We had friends and family to come over and help us celebrate Easter. Easter to us, is a holiday where we celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior. Anna Claire is also little, and we like to hunt eggs and have the "Easter bunny" come to the house too. I want to know if it is okay to celebrate both? It has been brought to my attention that some people do not think that it is okay to celebrate/ teach about the "Easter bunny" when you are a Christian. Some say that it is wrong to lie to your children at such an early age. I know this can be an argument for Christmas as well. So as a parent what do you do? My parents always made sure that we grew up knowing what the real meaning of Easter. We celebrated this holiday for the real reason, but as kids our parents wanted us to have fun too. We did the whole "Easter bunny" and had an Easter egg hunt too. Is it really bad?

The Benefits of Being Outside

A two-year-old playing outside is COMPLETELY different from anything else. It is a bunch of running and make believe for sure. It is very tiresome physically and mentally. This weekend was more exhausting because we were able to celebrate our Lord and Savior and hunt Easter eggs in the yard. The list are some benefits to playing outside and ideas to keep a toddler entertained outside! 1. Increase Social Skills Anna Claire loves to be outside. She loves to run around and play with all of us. It has helped her in her social skills a lot . She has learned to ask for someone to come play with her in her playhouse. She has learned to interact with not only children her own age, but with adults too. 2. Vitamin D We live in a technology world where everything is at the tip of our finger tips. It is an awesome world we live in, but it does not beat being outside in the sunshine. This weekend Anna Claire got a great big dose of Vitamin D straight from the sunshine. It is a lot easier to p