
This weekend was extra special because it was Easter weekend. We had friends and family to come over and help us celebrate Easter. Easter to us, is a holiday where we celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior. Anna Claire is also little, and we like to hunt eggs and have the "Easter bunny" come to the house too. I want to know if it is okay to celebrate both?

It has been brought to my attention that some people do not think that it is okay to celebrate/ teach about the "Easter bunny" when you are a Christian. Some say that it is wrong to lie to your children at such an early age. I know this can be an argument for Christmas as well. So as a parent what do you do?

My parents always made sure that we grew up knowing what the real meaning of Easter. We celebrated this holiday for the real reason, but as kids our parents wanted us to have fun too. We did the whole "Easter bunny" and had an Easter egg hunt too. Is it really bad?

Easter was originally a pagan tradition, and then the church at Rome adopted this pagan tradition and incorporated it into the resurrection of Jesus. I love to see children eyes light up when they are hunting Easter eggs. It is so fun to watch them have fun. I get that we as Christians are supposed to stand against the world and not with it.

I do think that raising a child to the tradition of Easter egg hunts and the "Easter bunny" is okay to know, as long as Christians teach their kids the real reason to this holiday. Even though it is lying about the "Easter bunny" and "Santa", I do not really see it as a bad. I do not think anyone that grew up was mad at their parents for telling them about these fictional characters that are associated with the holiday. I do think it is a harmless tradition.

My thoughts on the idea is that if I have children one day I will pass down this tradition because these traditions bring back so many great memories. Being a Christian, I will tell them the real reason of the holidays. I want them to have a fun childhood just like I did! What do you think?


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