The Benefits of Being Outside

A two-year-old playing outside is COMPLETELY different from anything else. It is a bunch of running and make believe for sure. It is very tiresome physically and mentally. This weekend was more exhausting because we were able to celebrate our Lord and Savior and hunt Easter eggs in the yard. The list are some benefits to playing outside and ideas to keep a toddler entertained outside!

1. Increase Social Skills
Anna Claire loves to be outside. She loves to run around and play with all of us. It has helped her in her social skills a lot. She has learned to ask for someone to come play with her in her playhouse. She has learned to interact with not only children her own age, but with adults too.

2. Vitamin D
We live in a technology world where everything is at the tip of our finger tips. It is an awesome world we live in, but it does not beat being outside in the sunshine. This weekend Anna Claire got a great big dose of Vitamin D straight from the sunshine. It is a lot easier to play outside when you have a gorgeous day with the sunshine shining down on you.

3. Pretending
Pretending is the probably the hardest thing to do when you are an adult. For a child it just comes to natural and easier to them. We pretended that we were exploring "new land". We also pretended to eat spaghetti that Anna Claire "cooked" on her play stove. We also pretended to be on a ship while she "drove" the ship home.

4. Hide and Seek
Hide and Seek is a must when you are trying to entertain a toddler. We played for hours this weekend. It is really hard to get a toddler to stand or sit still while someone is looking for us. Anna Claire is just so busy and just wants to do everything and anything, so it is extremely hard to keep her still while playing the game. It is still fun.

5. Gardening
Teaching kids at a young age how and where we get some foods is important lesson to learn. Kids are going to ask questions and to show them how plants grow and give us food is a pretty awesome way to learn. It also teaches the child patience. Gardening can teach a child to be patient and disciplined. Anna Claire loves to water the plants we have in our garden and she loves to see the plants bloom into pretty flowers, veggies, and fruit.

6. Build Strong Bones
Playing outside builds stronger bones. Yes, so does a glass of milk, but it is more fun to run and jump outside. I do encourage children to drink a glass of milk because it helps form bones and strengthen them as well. Being active will help increase your bone strength as well. Anna Claire, as mentioned before, loves milk and loves to run and play outside. She does fall, but she does not worry because she gets back up and starts running some more! That is because she has strong bones from drinking milk and being active!

Basically, it is a great idea to have your child to play outside. There are many more benefits that are not listed here that helps the growth of a child mentally and physically. I want this post to encourage anyone and everyone to go outside and get some fresh air! Especially when it is sunny and beautiful!


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