Spanking or Nah?

Spanking is used to punish a child from doing something bad. Now spanking should be on the back side, the buttocks, in order for it to meant as a spanking. It should not occur anywhere else. I am pro-spanking because I do think that it helps kids understand right from wrong.

I say that because I was spanked when I was little. I was a little trouble maker at home. My biggest problem was talking back (go figure!) and picking on my brother and sister. I was spanked mostly with a belt. Let me tell you, I straightened up after it though. I learned quickly what is right and what is wrong.

I was always a rough little kid anyway, so the only way to get through to me was by spanking. It taught me to respect my parents more. This might sound crazy, but I am glad I was spanked when I was little because it helped me into the woman I am today.

There are other forms of punishment like the time out method. The time out method is the form of punishment that my sister use for Anna Claire whenever she gets in trouble. Valerie will say "that's one" and if Anna Claire keeps doing something bad then Valerie will continue to say, "that's two" and "that's three, go to timeout". Valerie gives Anna Claire a minute between each count before she gets to three. It gives Anna Claire a time to think about her actions and to correct them.

Once in timeout, Anna Claire has to sit there for one minute. After the minute, Anna Claire has a chance to say sorry and that she will not do it again and then they will hug. This clears up Anna Claire hurt feelings. This is a good method because it still gets the point across, but the spank method can strengthen the time out method.

I do think that spanking should be the ultimate punishment. I do think that when it is used effectively that it can strengthen the other form of punishment, no matter what it is. I do think that it will teach kids at a young age where the line is drawn. The spank method should only be used at the rear side and nowhere else. I do think parents should check to see where they are at emotionally before spanking a child.


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