
Showing posts from February, 2018

Daily Life of AC

I was able to pick Anna Claire up from daycare. I brought her home and we had so much fun playing with her toys in her playroom. She loves to wear the necklaces when she plays. I let her play outside after we played inside for a while. It was a pretty day to not play outside. She loves to swing and play in her playhouse. After swinging, she wanted to play in her play house that is under the porch. She only wanted Charlie in her play house with her. She was fixing him some pretend food. After we played outside for a little bit, I asked her if she wanted ice cream or a slushy. She wanted a slushy. She kept saying that she was being careful while drinking the slush because she did not want to get a "bainfeeze". Once we finished our slushes, we went to go visit mommy at work. She was so surprised that we were able to visit her at work. At the end of the day, we headed over to Mimi and Papas house. Anna Claire loves coming to Mimi and Papas house. Th

To Report or To Not Report?

Craig Pittman is a alumni of Troy University . It was named Troy State at the time he graduated from the University. He worked for the student paper called the "Tropolitan", which they later shortened to the "Trop". This is where he started his journey of being a journalist. He was one that had no fear of reporting the truth. He wanted the truth to published even if that meant it was not what people wanted to hear. He wanted to publish stories that were real and important and what he thought that the students should know. He was not afraid to push the boundaries when it came to report the truth. He gave a lot of examples of what he did and why he did what he did. He talked a lot about his time at Troy. He even said that the dean called him "the most destructive force on campus". He came back to Troy to speak to us, communication and journalist majors, and he gave us a guideline to be basically the best journalist or communication majors. He wanted us

Tight Schedule

Valerie has Anna Claire on a schedule. I think teaching her at a young age to be on a schedule is super important. We all are on a schedule when we are older. It is a good way to teach her discipline. Valerie established a routine for Anna Claire to follow. She wakes up at 6:45am gets her ready for daycare and have breakfast before 7:15 am. After breakfast she is able to play for a little bit before Valerie has to take her to daycare. Anna Claire then goes to daycare from 7:45 am till 5:00 pm. Occasionally she will be picked up earlier if Valerie or I get done with work or school. She then comes home and has a snack and is able to do whatever her little heart desires. Anna Claire, like I have mentioned before, loves to play and run all the time. She is always doing something. It works out for Valerie and me because we get a little extra work out in chasing her around the house or outside. Before dinner, she likes to be all over the place. She will either play hide and go seek,

Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day is so much more fun when you are a kid. I say this because it was a lot of fun preparing for this day for Anna Claire. I love to give gifts. I love giving a gift to someone and to see the look on their face when the gift is given. Anna Claire got gifts this morning for Valentine's Day, and she was super excited. Valerie shopped really hard to find her little toys and candy.  I am pretty sure that if she could give her the world, she definitely would! Valerie and I went to Walmart over the weekend to prepare for this morning. Valerie got her little box of chocolate candies, poppy, which is her favorite troll, gummies and a cute little stuff frog as well. Anna Claire has a Valentine's Day party for her daycare. The moms are supposed to bring a snack that their own kid likes, so that every kid will have at least one thing that they like at the party. Valerie decided to take apple, mandarin oranges, and grapes because that is Anna Claire's favorite. Th

Quantity vs. Quality

I was talking to my sister the other night and I asked her what is the biggest struggle do you have with Anna Claire. She immediately said eating. She struggles with what Anna Claire eats rather than how much she eats. Valerie wants Anna Claire to eat healthy because she learned that eating healthy will help Anna Claire grow physically and mentally. Valerie also knows that eating healthy is not always fun, so she lets Anna Claire have fun snacks like goldfish, cookies, and chips along the way. For breakfast Anna Claire eats grits and milk. Once she is done with her milk she is allowed juice, which is apple juice or another fruity juice. For lunch Anna Claire eats at daycare and Valerie makes sure she eats at least some veggies and protein like chicken. Dinner is where there is at least one kind of veggie, fruit, starch, and protein on Anna Claire's plate. Anna Claire is very active through out the day . She runs and plays so hard. She loves to be outside so she can run aroun

Learning is Fun!

Have you sat down and tried to teach a two-year old a new song? What is your strategy to keep their attention? Do they even like the song you are teaching them? These are the questions that I ask myself and my sister all the time! Anna Claire picks up on songs, numbers, and colors very fast. Valerie has taught her how to say the ABC's and to count to ten. Yes, some of the letters like "L, M, N, and O" have been replaced with some random sound that sounds like "L, M, N, and O", but that is really hard for a two-year old to master, let's be honest! The easiest way to keep her entertained and focused on the song are hand motions or being animated when singing. She is a sponge when it comes to learning new things. During the Christmas break, I would keep her during the week and when I would get a snack I would say "Yummy, yummy, yummy for my tummy." I would say that over and over and over again until she caught on. It was only by the end of the

Meet the Roomies!

Hi again! My roomies are literally the best. Yes, I may be a little biased! Our situation is not normal to everyone else, but to us it is pretty normal. I honestly would not have it any other way! Our home is filled with love, laughter, and chaos! I would not trade it for the world. A home is not complete without a pet, obviously, so we have a thirteen-year-old shih-poo that is basically deaf and almost blind, named Charlie. He is the sweetest dog too! We also have a couple of hermit crabs and their names are "Hot" and "Ew"! My sister name is Valerie and she is 29 years old! She is a little bit taller than me (she always lets me know) and she has deep red hair. She is a nurse practitioner and a mother! She has a bubbly personality, a kind heart, and she is incredibly smart! We are very close with one another. Even though she is my sister, I still consider her as one of my best friends. We do get on each other nerves, but that is life. At the end of the day, we