Quantity vs. Quality

I was talking to my sister the other night and I asked her what is the biggest struggle do you have with Anna Claire. She immediately said eating. She struggles with what Anna Claire eats rather than how much she eats.

Valerie wants Anna Claire to eat healthy because she learned that eating healthy will help Anna Claire grow physically and mentally. Valerie also knows that eating healthy is not always fun, so she lets Anna Claire have fun snacks like goldfish, cookies, and chips along the way.

For breakfast Anna Claire eats grits and milk. Once she is done with her milk she is allowed juice, which is apple juice or another fruity juice. For lunch Anna Claire eats at daycare and Valerie makes sure she eats at least some veggies and protein like chicken. Dinner is where there is at least one kind of veggie, fruit, starch, and protein on Anna Claire's plate.

Anna Claire is very active through out the day. She runs and plays so hard. She loves to be outside so she can run around or play hide and seek. After all that running around she works up an appetite. For snacks she will eat a yogurt or a fun snack. Her favorite is seems to be those yogurt smoothies.

In the big picture Valerie wants Anna Claire to grow up wanting to eat a healthy snack like grapes, yogurt, banana, or anything else that is healthy. Nothing wrong with that. We all know how eating right is so hard so maybe learning at such a young age will help out.

Valerie wants Anna Claire to make good choices about what she puts in her body. She wants her to be the best that she can be. Yes, she is a child and she eats like one too. She loves to eat the junk that we eat too.

At this age it is more about nutrition because she is a busy bee by growing so fast physically and mentally. Valerie wants to keep fueling that growth in a healthy way. Again, it is all about what you want for your child and what works best for them. But think about it. A sucker, milkshake, or ice-cream never really hurt anyone, right? What works best for your child?


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