Tight Schedule

Valerie has Anna Claire on a schedule. I think teaching her at a young age to be on a schedule is super important. We all are on a schedule when we are older. It is a good way to teach her discipline.

Valerie established a routine for Anna Claire to follow. She wakes up at 6:45am gets her ready for daycare and have breakfast before 7:15 am. After breakfast she is able to play for a little bit before Valerie has to take her to daycare.

Anna Claire then goes to daycare from 7:45 am till 5:00 pm. Occasionally she will be picked up earlier if Valerie or I get done with work or school. She then comes home and has a snack and is able to do whatever her little heart desires.

Anna Claire, like I have mentioned before, loves to play and run all the time. She is always doing something. It works out for Valerie and me because we get a little extra work out in chasing her around the house or outside. Before dinner, she likes to be all over the place.

She will either play hide and go seek, swing on the swings outside, run, play in the playhouse, play with her babies, cook in her play kitchen, color, or watch tv. Once 6:15 pm or 6:30 pm that is dinner time. Anna Claire knows it too. When the time gets closer, we can tell she is getting a little hangry (angry that she is hungry).

She will eat whatever Valerie planned for dinner that night. She eats just about anything, so it's not hard to find something that she won't eat. It is hard sometimes to get her to eat her veggies, but I mean who doesn't have that struggle?

After dinner, she is allowed a dessert which is either yogurt, sucker, cookie, or a piece of a candy. Most of the time she will ask for a yogurt. After that, she gets to play some more. Sometimes she will get to go to Mimi and Papa's house (Mimi and Papa are mine and Valerie's parents which is Anna Claire's grandparents, but they are too "young" to be called "grandma" or "grandpa").

Once it is 7:15pm or 7:30pm, that is bath time. After bath time, Anna Claire is all cleaned and ready for bed. She does drink a warm bottle of milk and is laid down to bed. She is usually fast asleep around 8:00pm or 8:15pm.


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